Meet the Author: BRIAN FRANK
Brian Frank is a baseball historian and author, who grew up going to Bisons games at The Rockpile and Blue Jays games at Exhibition Stadium. He spent countless hours in his youth collecting baseball cards, reading The Sporting News, and studying box scores. He was regularly found glued to the TV when a live game was broadcast. A small transistor radio was always handy to listen to the voices of Tom Cheek, Ernie Harwell, and Jack Buck call a game, or to try to catch a score from Stan Barron. And to say that he played a few games of Strat-o-matic or wiffle ball would be a gross understatement.
His love of baseball remains unwavering, even though the landscape of being a fan has changed. Now, with technology in hand, he can be found watching live games on his mobile devices, and following the game's top news stories on Twitter and blogs. However, despite modern technology, you can still find him at the local library researching baseball while hunched over microfilm to study decades of stories captured in the pages of old newspapers.
Brian is a 1998 graduate of Canisius College, with a Bachelor of Arts in History, and a 2002 graduate of the University at Buffalo School of Law. He is a lawyer, historian, teacher of history and English, and now, a blogger and author.
Brian is also a member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR), and a frequent contributor to their publications. He was an assistant editor and contributor to The Seasons of Buffalo Baseball, 1857-2020, an update and revision of Joe Overfield's The 100 Seasons of Buffalo Baseball. He is on the Buffalo Baseball Hall of Fame Committee. In 2021, the Bisons named Brian the Joe Byron Fan of the Year. He is currently writing a book about the Blue Jays playing in Buffalo in 2020 and 2021.

Photo Credit: Stephen Gabris